

 I enjoyed getting to know Greg Uhlig through a national peer group where we were both members. As the President of DEA Specialties Co., Inc., Greg consistently demonstrated not just deep expertise in the commercial subcontracting industry but also a profound understanding of business operations. His insights into the X’s and O’s of running a successful enterprise have been invaluable, particularly in an industry where operational knowledge often takes a back seat to construction expertise. Greg’s contributions have had a significant impact, elevating the quality of discussions within our group. I highly recommend Greg for his business acumen, industry knowledge and leadership qualities.

Matthew Wright
Former Owner and President of Burgess Building Company


Greg and I met at a national sales meeting many years ago when I was serving on the Executive Committee of dormakaba, responsible for overseeing the global movable walls segment. At that time, Greg was instrumental in building a distributorship through his exceptional leadership, transforming it into one of the most prosperous and successful entities within our industry. His remarkable achievements were a direct result of his unwavering dedication, profound business acumen, exceptional leadership abilities and his unyielding commitment to always uphold the highest ethical standards. Greg has an innate ability to exude natural leadership qualities that effortlessly captivate those around him. His engaging demeanor and genuine interest in fostering collaborative partnerships have left an indelible mark on those fortunate enough to work alongside him. Through his continuous pursuit of excellence and his genuine willingness to embrace collaborative efforts, Greg has not only propelled his distributorship to unprecedented heights but has also set an inspiring example for everyone fortunate enough to cross paths with him. It’s evident that his approach embodies not just success in business, but also the values of integrity, camaraderie and the relentless pursuit of excellence.

Christoph Jacob
Entrepreneur /
Management Consultant / Book Author / Keynote Speaker / Board Member / Investor


 I was fortunate enough to work with Greg over the course of several weeks mapping out a business improvement initiative using Lean and Six Sigma methodologies. What Greg lacked in “formal” Six Sigma training he more than made up for in management “awareness” and mentality. By that I mean that he understood the true value of employees, how to build quality and customer service into business processes, and how to foster continuous improvement from the bottom up by empowering and inspiring the front-line employees. During my time working with him I learned far more from him than he did from me, and I am still working my way through his suggested reading list! I strongly recommend Greg as a consultant. Do not be fooled by his mastery of numbers; his real strength lies in his people management techniques.

Brad White
Managing Partner at Alliance Builders